Dear All,
The month of April gets its name from the Latin word aperio, meaning to open. Plants begin to bud, bloom, and grow during this month, aided by April showers to awaken the dormant energy of the hibernating planet—an example of joined forces for the unfoldment of life.
In our practice of yoga we are prompted to evolve into our higher selves by being in accord with our true nature, guided and enhanced by the natural world and our identification with it. We too are urged to bud, bloom, and grow, learning to recognize that all of life is consciousness and that we are not separate or superior to any living or inanimate part of the planet.
This is an important lesson! Yoga supports this premise and urges us to let go of the deep conditioning that relates to the idea of the hierarchy of supremacy, one thing being better or more worthy than another. This is destructive thinking because we cannot overlook the balance and respect needed to support all life, organic or inorganic. Mother Nature’s disapproval of our unconscious, callous, and arrogant disregard is fierce, as the world is experiencing.
This consciousness of supremacy has been shown to be even more decimating in the human community, and we are being urged by events to bring to light the darkness it spawns in order to transcend and transform this detrimental mindset. We need to come together in harmony and mutual respect for all things and everyone and the individual gifts they offer, contributing to the highest good. The path of spirituality offered us by the yoga masters has no competition or judgments to support, or condescension or elevation to flaunt.
As the season of renewal marked by April proceeds, let’s become resilient and more responsive to all things and all beings on the planet in the reflection of truth and compassion and yoga. Carry these thoughts forward and be supported by our monthly workshops on Zoom. Remember, all beings are influential and significant, especially in unity and purpose. Yours In Yoga, Paula (Renuka) Heitzner
Saturday, April 10
1:30–4:30 p.m.
via Zoom
Yoga and Bodymind Ballwork for Osteoarthritis
with Ellen Saltonstall
As yoga teachers we serve people of all ages, including those with medical conditions who want to improve their health and well-being. Older beginning students with arthritis may present challenges to the yoga teacher: How can we safely guide them to gain mobility, strength, and balance?
In this workshop, we’ll talk about each of the joints that are commonly affected by arthritis and how to create a sequence of yoga and Bodymind Ballwork practice that is safe and effective. We’ll have a short slide presentation, do the practices, and discuss the rationale and key instructions for each pose. Come with questions and an open mind.
You will need one of the prop options below for this workshop:
- Minimum: 2 tennis balls
- Next best: Buy à la carte on the website: 2 Easy Grip balls ($14), 2 white baseballs ($8), 2 Love balls ($8), 1 Drop Dot ball ($3). Total: $33.
Optional ball pump: $8 - Very best: Basic Set or Expanded Set with option to add ball pump for $6
Note: A recording will be made available to registrants for a limited time following the workshop.
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The Zoom meeting link will be sent in your registration confirmation upon receipt of payment.
Please ensure you have it before the workshop—check your junk/spam folder!
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Ellen Saltonstall (ERYT-500, C-IAYT, YACEP) is an alignment-based yoga instructor and body therapist based in New York City with over 40 years of experience. Her published books include Yoga for Arthritis (2008), Yoga for Osteoporosis (2010), Anatomy and Yoga (2016), and The Bodymind Ballwork Method (2018). She offers yoga therapy webinars through YogaOnlineU.com, and she teaches nationally and internationally with a specialty in anatomy and therapeutics. She is known for her clarity and depth of knowledge, and her enthusiasm in encouraging students of all levels to find freedom and joy through yoga.
Upcoming Workshops
May 8 Kung Fu Yoga with Nina Crist Discover the parallels between nature-inspired asana and Kung Fu postures. From eagle mudra to crane asana, learn how intricately nature has inspired the evolution of movement around the world. Uncover the uncanny similarities between Hindu mudras and Shaolin salutations, each designed to invite strength and instill peace throughout human history. Read more...
June 12 Practice to Empower Personal Possibilities with Paula Heitzner "Practice
makes perfect" has been an early childhood maxim taught to assure
future possible success in the adult world. Yoga philosophy teaches us
that there is no perfection. Paula will offer a different filter
allowing us to evaluate and empower our efforts by sharing the maxim
that evolved for her over her 50 years of yoga practice: "A purposeful
practice perfects." Purchase Paula's book!
Unless otherwise stated, workshops are $45 members / $65 nonmembers in advance ($55 / $75 at the door). Preregistration is highly recommended in order to guarantee a space in the workshop. Cancellation within 24 hours of a workshop may result in forfeiture of the registration fee.
From the March Workshop with Hunt Parr
Yoga Q & A
Are Online Yoga Certifications Effective and Worthwhile?
Some merit can be found in any sincere endeavor. One has to know how efficiently they can handle the technicalities involved.
Yoga was originally taught by the “mouth-to-ear” method involving a deep energy connection between student and teacher, readily clarified by this “hands on” approach and/or physical example.
Students seeking online certification should have ample opportunities available to them for transmitting the information and gaining the needed experience to teach others, along with refined technical skills.
This section is dedicated to answering your questions about yoga—as a student or as a teacher. Questions? Comments? Send them to ytaeditor@gmail.com or go to our Facebook page to share your thoughts!
Paula Heitzner, ERYT500, is a master yoga teacher. She has taught yoga for over 50 years and has trained many others in the time-honored principles, practices, and philosophy of yoga. The “teacher of teachers,” as she is called by her students, can be found at her studio, the Nyack Yoga Center, in its new location at the American Legion Hall.
Learn more about Paula at nyackyogacenter.com.
Paula's new book is available on Amazon. Yoga and You for a Year: From the Beginning to the End uses the Zodiac as a guide to the poses best suited for your astrological sign and provides direction and discipline to empower you. Get Paula's refreshing perspective on this ancient art.
YTA members (individuals and studios) are invited to include their events here. Send details to ytaeditor@gmail.com by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s newsletter. Member events are also posted in YTA's online directory, the source for information about yoga teachers, studios, and yoga teacher trainings throughout the Hudson Valley. To be included, individual and studio members may send their information to ytadirectory@gmail.com.
Online Yoga and Meditation Offerings
Devi Ma Yoga Prenatal, Sun & Wed; Mom’s Hour, Wed; New Mom, Thurs; & more; Online Yin and Prenatal trainings; by donation
Elisha Simpson (Crossover Yoga Project) Trauma-informed yoga & meditation. Tues & Thurs, 7 pm; Fri, 8 am; $15/class, $70/6 classes for YTA members only
Gina Callender Yin/Restorative, Mon, 7-8 pm; Wed, Hatha yoga level 1, 5:30--6:30 pm, $10/class
Iyengar Yoga Scarsdale Asana, restorative, & pranayama via Zoom, 5 days/week; see website for different levels, $15
PranaMoon Yoga at the Hat Factory Zoom, Mon-Sun, Bhakti pass, $10/class
Ray Crist, Jaguar Path The Medicine Wheel: Shaman’s Apprenticeship Level 1, Apr 7-June 22, 6-8 pm, Zoom or enjoy recordings at your convenience, $1000
Sacred Spirit Yoga & Healing Arts Center
All-levels, with Chris Glover, Tues & Sat, 9:30-11 am, $15/class
Shamani Yoga with Betsy Ceva and Charlene Bradin Online classes, $9, with 48-hour replay link
Wainwright House Yoga & movement classes, $10 members; $15 nonmembers; meditation classes, $5
Willow Tree Yoga All-level, Kundalini, stretch, & vinyasa, in person & Zoom, $16/class. New: Yoga Gifts Online, yoga-themed gifts and teaching tools; gifts can be picked up or possibly delivered to avoid shipping & taxes. Visit yogagiftsonline.com for more info
Yoga is not a workout, it is a work in. And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are. —Rolf Gates
Yoga Teachers Association was created in 1979 by a small group of pioneering yoga teachers who saw the need for affordable and continuing education. Today, YTA continues as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to expanding learning opportunities for teachers and committed students in the Hudson Valley. We offer monthly workshops presented by the leading yoga teachers of our time for the benefit of the community. All are invited. Membership dues and additional contributions are deductible to the extent allowable by law.
$50 for individual membership
$75 for studio membership
$45 members / $65 nonmembers in advance
($55 and $75 at the door)
Audrey Brooks
Vice President
Lorraine Burton
Steven Cownie
Susan Edwards Colson
Board Member-at-Large
Paula Heitzner, ERYT
Program Coordinator
Robin Laufer, MS Ed, RYT 500 Special Events
Gina Callender, E-RYT 200, RYT 500, CEP Editor
Terry Fiore Lavery, RYT
Newsletter Design & Layout
Lisa Sloane, MA, ERYT

Copyright © 2021 Yoga Teachers Association. All rights reserved.
Yoga Teachers Association • 21-39 Croton Lake Road • Katonah, NY 10536 • USA